Soal tes kompetensi PPPK untuk formasi Guru Bahasa Inggris dapat digunakan sebagai referensi belajar bagi calon peserta yang akan mengikuti seleksi Pegawai Pemerintah dengan Perjanjian Kerja (PPPK) Guru Bahasa Inggris 2024.
Materi yang diujikan dalam soal PPPK Guru Bahasa Inggris mencakup empat aspek utama, yaitu kompetensi teknis, manajerial, sosial kultural, serta wawancara.
Mengapa Memilih PPPK Guru Bahasa Inggris?
Profesi sebagai Guru PPPK Bahasa Inggris menawarkan banyak keuntungan yang tidak hanya menguntungkan dari sisi finansial, tetapi juga memberikan dampak positif dalam dunia pendidikan. Berikut adalah beberapa alasan utama mengapa menjadi PPPK Guru Bahasa Inggris adalah pilihan yang tepat:
1. Kebutuhan Tinggi di Era Globalisasi 🌍
Bahasa Inggris adalah kunci utama untuk membuka peluang di dunia global. Sebagai guru bahasa Inggris, Anda menjadi garda terdepan dalam mempersiapkan generasi penerus menghadapi tantangan era globalisasi, baik di bidang pendidikan, pekerjaan, maupun kehidupan sosial.
2. Stabilitas Karier & Finansial 💼
Dengan status sebagai Pegawai Pemerintah dengan Perjanjian Kerja (PPPK), Anda mendapatkan gaji tetap, tunjangan, dan jaminan lainnya. Hal ini menjadikan profesi ini jauh lebih stabil dibandingkan guru honorer.
3. Kontribusi untuk Pendidikan Berkualitas 📚
Bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran penting di kurikulum nasional. Dengan menjadi PPPK, Anda ikut serta dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan Indonesia, terutama dalam bidang penguasaan bahasa asing.
4. Pengakuan Sebagai Profesional 🌟
Status PPPK memberikan pengakuan resmi dari pemerintah sebagai pendidik profesional. Hal ini tidak hanya meningkatkan kredibilitas Anda, tetapi juga membuka akses ke berbagai peluang pengembangan karier.
Dengan berbagai alasan tersebut, menjadi Guru PPPK Bahasa Inggris bukan hanya tentang stabilitas karier, tetapi juga tentang peran besar Anda dalam membentuk masa depan yang lebih baik untuk generasi mendatang.
Gaji Guru PPPK: Kenapa Masih Jadi Sorotan di Indonesia?
Gaji guru selalu menjadi topik yang mendapat perhatian luas dari masyarakat Indonesia. Isu gaji tenaga pengajar, khususnya guru honorer, sering kali menjadi perbincangan hangat karena dianggap masih jauh dari kata layak. Umumnya, gaji guru honorer dihitung berdasarkan jumlah jam mengajar yang mereka lakukan, tanpa adanya jaminan tunjangan seperti yang didapatkan oleh Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS). Meskipun memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam membimbing siswa untuk meraih masa depan, banyak guru yang harus menerima gaji yang tidak sebanding dengan usaha dan tanggung jawab mereka.
Meskipun PNS untuk guru sudah tidak ada lagi, pemerintah kini membuka kesempatan bagi guru untuk bergabung dalam seleksi Pegawai Pemerintah dengan Perjanjian Kerja (PPPK). Gaji guru honorer yang sangat tergantung pada kebijakan masing-masing sekolah jelas tidak dapat dijadikan acuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari. Kehadiran PPPK untuk guru menawarkan harapan baru, meski tidak ada tunjangan pensiun seperti yang diterima PNS.
Berapa Gaji PPPK Guru Saat Ini?
Gaji guru PPPK tentu saja bervariasi tergantung pada golongan dan jenjang pendidikan yang diampu. Sebagai contoh, guru SD yang telah diangkat menjadi PPPK, dengan golongan 1, mendapatkan gaji berkisar antara Rp1.794.900 hingga Rp2.686.200. Angka ini jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan gaji guru honorer yang sangat bergantung pada masing-masing sekolah.
Untuk guru dengan status PPPK yang sudah lulus S1, gaji yang diterima dapat berkisar antara Rp2.966.500 hingga Rp4.872.000, dengan perbedaan nominal tergantung pada golongan mereka. Meskipun gaji PPPK guru lebih bervariasi, satu hal yang perlu dicatat adalah bahwa guru PPPK tidak mendapatkan tunjangan pensiun seperti halnya PNS.
Berikut rincian gaji guru PPPK berdasarkan golongan:
• Golongan II: Rp1.960.200 – Rp2.843.900
• Golongan III: Rp2.043.200 – Rp2.964.200
• Golongan IV: Rp2.129.500 – Rp3.089.600
• Golongan V: Rp2.325.600 – Rp3.879.700
• Golongan VI: Rp2.519.700 – Rp4.043.800
• Golongan VII: Rp2.647.200 – Rp4.214.900
• Golongan VIII: Rp2.759.100 – Rp4.393.100
• Golongan IX: Rp2.966.500 – Rp4.872.000
• Golongan X: Rp3.919.900 – Rp5.078.000
• Golongan XI: Rp3.222.700 – Rp5.292.800
• Golongan XII: Rp3.359.000 – Rp5.516.800
• Golongan XIII: Rp3.501.100 – Rp5.750.100
• Golongan XIV: Rp3.649.200 – Rp5.993.300
• Golongan XV: Rp3.803.500 – Rp6.246.900
• Golongan XVI: Rp3.964.500 – Rp6.511.100
• Golongan XVII: Rp4.132.200 – Rp6.786.500
Dengan rincian di atas, gaji guru SMP umumnya masuk dalam golongan IV, sedangkan gaji guru SMA dapat dilihat pada golongan VI. Jika dibandingkan dengan gaji guru di sektor swasta, gaji guru negeri, khususnya yang berstatus honorer, masih jauh lebih rendah. Sekolah swasta seringkali memiliki anggaran yang lebih besar untuk membayar guru karena biaya pendidikan yang dikenakan kepada siswa lebih tinggi.
Dari penjelasan di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa gaji guru PPPK sangat bervariasi, tergantung pada golongan dan tempat mereka mengajar. Namun, kehadiran PPPK memberikan peluang bagi para guru untuk mendapatkan gaji yang lebih stabil dan layak, meskipun belum setara dengan tunjangan yang diterima oleh PNS.
Tingkatkan Peluang Lulus PPPK Guru Bahasa Inggris! ✨
Siap jadi guru hebat dengan lolos seleksi PPPK? 🎯✨ Jangan hanya bermimpi, waktunya ambil langkah nyata!
💡 Gabung Bimbel PPPK Guru Bahasa Inggris sekarang juga dan dapatkan:
✅ Materi lengkap sesuai standar tes terbaru.
✅ Pembahasan soal bahasa Inggris yang mudah dipahami.
✅ Tryout berbasis CAT untuk persiapan maksimal.
✅ Mentor berpengalaman yang siap mendampingi suksesmu.
💥 Peluang lolos lebih besar! Jangan tunggu sampai terlambat, segera bergabung bersama kami dan raih masa depan gemilang sebagai ASN! 👩🏫👨🏫
👉 Klik link ini sekarang untuk info lebih lanjut: Bimbel PPPK Online BLC. 🌟
👉 Gabung sekarang di Bimbel PPPK Online BLC dan persiapkan diri dengan materi lengkap untuk lulus PPPK 2024 dengan hasil terbaik! 🎯💼
Latihan Contoh Soal-soal PPPK Guru Bahasa Inggris beserta Kunci Jawabannya
Agar lebih siap menghadapi tes kompetensi, peserta seleksi PPPK Guru disarankan untuk mempelajari dan mencoba berbagai contoh soal. Salah satu materi yang bisa dipelajari adalah soal PPPK Bahasa Inggris khusus untuk guru.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh soal PPPK Guru Bahasa Inggris beserta kunci jawabannya yang dapat dijadikan latihan untuk persiapan ujian.
1. In contrast to linguistic competence, formulaic competence pertains to the pre-fabricated chunks of language that speakers frequently utilize in everyday exchanges. It encompasses all the following EXCEPT:
A. idioms
B. routines
C. turn-taking
D. collocations
E. lexical frames
Answer: C
2. Determining short-term goals can directly impact students’ motivation to remain engaged in EFL classes. These goals include the following EXCEPT:
A. successfully writing an essay
B. actively participating in a discussion
C. securing better future employment opportunities
D. learning small increments of new language
E. passing a progress test at week’s end
Answer: C
3. When applying a humanistic teaching approach, fostering a supportive classroom environment involves the following actions EXCEPT:
A. listening to students
B. encouraging them to express their feelings
C. accepting their remarks nonjudgmentally
D. setting specific goals for the lesson or course
E. forcing students to adhere strictly to plans
Answer: E
4. When constructing an EFL syllabus, curriculum designers must evaluate each item based on the following criteria EXCEPT:
A. learnability
B. usefulness
C. frequency
D. coverage
E. grading
Answer: E
5. While assigning tasks in the lesson’s closure phase, it’s essential to ensure students can independently demonstrate their skills. The following practices are important EXCEPT:
A. establishing a clear link between the lesson and homework
B. assigning homework immediately after the lesson
C. providing a detailed explanation of the homework
D. having model students share their work with peers
E. ensuring student understanding before dismissal
Answer: D
6. A well-developed lesson plan should incorporate assignments that guide assessment by evaluating comprehension. Key considerations include the following EXCEPT:
A. the required learning level of students
B. the alignment of the lesson plan with instructional principles
C. the amount of time students need for completion
D. the assignment’s relevance to the lesson plan
E. the purpose behind the assignment
Answer: B
7. The closure phase of a lesson plan is an opportunity to identify whether students need further practice or review. Examples of effective closure include the following EXCEPT:
A. summarizing the lesson’s key points
B. discussing new concepts learned
C. giving students time to reread or present the material
D. asking students to identify crucial lesson takeaways
E. having students summarize the lesson for absent classmates
Answer: C
8. Rina is an independent learner. The most appropriate resource to support her reading comprehension is:
A. illustrated workbooks
B. E-learning modules
C. reading passages
D. audio materials
E. worksheets
Answer: B
9. To facilitate distance learning that includes visual and spoken interactions, a teacher should utilize:
A. Skype
C. multimedia labs
D. teleconferencing
E. Google Messenger
Answer: D
10. To activate students’ understanding of formal vocabulary in a report text, Mrs. Nastiti can ask her students to:
A. identify words from jumbled letters
B. label pictures with appropriate terms
C. deduce meanings from context
D. look up words in the dictionary
E. find synonyms or antonyms
Answer: A
11. To cater to field-independent learners in reading lessons, Mr. Hanafi should require his students to:
A. follow ideas deeply within each paragraph
B. pinpoint key points in the text
C. infer implied meanings in passages
D. retell paragraph details
E. extract specific information
Answer: B
12. To spark enthusiasm when introducing a challenging topic, teachers may use empathetic communication by:
A. acknowledging that beginnings are often tough
B. encouraging students to stay motivated
C. stressing the importance of English
D. highlighting the drawbacks of not learning
E. presenting the topic as engaging and enjoyable
Answer: E
13. If a student texts Ms. Cruella asking to meet for a discussion, an appropriate response would be:
A. “How about tomorrow? Should I come to you or will you come to me?”
B. “Who do you think you are? I am your teacher; you must see me.”
C. “Is your tone polite, Sandra? Review your language.”
D. “Sandra, be more respectful, will you?”
E. “That’s impolite, Sandra. Mind your manners.”
Answer: A
14. Based on the indicator requiring students to reconstruct mutilated words in paragraphs, the most suitable scoring scheme is:
A. penalty-based scoring
B. dichotomous scoring
C. primary-trait scoring
D. polytomous scoring
E. weighted scoring
Answer: B
15. To reduce excessive competition in reading tasks, Mr. Andi can promote collaboration through an instructional strategy involving:
C. jigsaw method
D. mind mapping
E. click and clunk
Answer: C
16. Complete the sentence: In low power-distance cultures, inequality is undesirable, and _____ with decision-making processes.
A. employees need to be selected
B. employees prefer to be consulted
C. employers are given authority
D. employers distribute power
E. leaders demand respect
Answer: B
17. Fill in the blank: It was _____ in late November. The weather had shifted dramatically overnight…
A. a cold grey day
B. a small parade day
C. one warmer night
D. a snowy night
E. an interesting one
Answer: A
18. Which connector best fits the passage about a pre-teen’s behavior?
A. Therefore,
B. However,
C. Because
D. Meanwhile,
E. For example,
Answer: B
19. Complete the sentence: We sat in the trees _____, our feet dangling… And the cleft lip, where the doll maker’s tool may have slipped, or _____.
A. perhaps he had grown tired and carelessly
B. perhaps he had gone tired and become careless
C. perhaps he had grown tiredly and carelessly
D. perhaps he had grown tired and careless
E. perhaps he had become tiring and careless
Answer: D
20. Arrange the sentences below into a coherent and logical paragraph:
1. Other smaller training institutions also offer educational programs to improve skills in specific fields.
2. Education plays a crucial role in shaping an individual’s personality, attitude, and confidence.
3. Additionally, universities, schools, and colleges provide knowledge and instill values essential for personal growth.
4. Education can be broadly categorized into formal and informal systems of learning.
5. It is one of the key factors that contribute to a country’s development.
A. 2 – 4 – 5 – 3 – 1
B. 2 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 1
C. 5 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 1
D. 4 – 2 – 3 – 1 – 5
E. 2 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 3
Answer: B
21. Identify the incorrect usage of the word in the following sentence:
“The teacher emphasized the importance of students’ active participation and their ability to articulate clearly during discussions.”
A. emphasized
B. importance
C. participation
D. articulate
E. clearly
Answer: D
22. Which option best completes this sentence?
“Motivation in learning arises not only from external rewards but also from ____ factors such as interest and personal goals.”
A. tangible
B. intrinsic
C. external
D. concrete
E. practical
Answer: B
23. Select the correct option to fill the blank in the sentence below:
“To build a positive classroom environment, teachers should ____ students to participate actively and respect each other’s opinions.”
A. compel
B. discourage
C. encourage
D. enforce
E. request
Answer: C
24. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using multimedia tools in language learning?
A. They provide visual aids to support comprehension.
B. They allow students to work at their own pace.
C. They ensure complete mastery of every language concept.
D. They enhance engagement through interactive elements.
E. They cater to different learning styles.
Answer: C
25. Complete the sentence with the most appropriate word:
“Students with ____ learning styles often benefit from hands-on activities and real-world applications.”
A. visual
B. auditory
C. kinesthetic
D. linguistic
E. solitary
Answer: C
26. The primary purpose of formative assessment is to:
A. grade students’ final performance.
B. diagnose learning gaps and provide feedback.
C. compare student progress with peers.
D. evaluate the teacher’s effectiveness.
E. rank students for awards.
Answer: B
27. When preparing for a speaking activity in an EFL class, teachers should focus on:
A. emphasizing grammar over fluency.
B. prioritizing writing skills before speaking.
C. creating a comfortable environment for speaking.
D. minimizing student interaction to avoid errors.
E. avoiding peer feedback to prevent embarrassment.
Answer: C
28. Which of the following is NOT an effective strategy for managing a mixed-ability classroom?
A. Using differentiated tasks tailored to various skill levels.
B. Allowing stronger students to dominate group discussions.
C. Incorporating peer teaching or mentoring activities.
D. Offering additional challenges for advanced learners.
E. Providing step-by-step support for struggling students.
Answer: B
29. Which option best completes the sentence?
“Effective lesson planning involves creating activities that are ____ to the students’ needs and interests.”
A. irrelevant
B. monotonous
C. engaging
D. superficial
E. disconnected
Answer: C
30. A reflective teacher is one who:
A. follows the textbook strictly without deviation.
B. considers student feedback to improve future lessons.
C. avoids making adjustments to teaching strategies.
D. prioritizes completing the syllabus over student learning.
E. discourages self-assessment among students.
Answer: B
31. Which option best completes this sentence?
“Peer feedback in language learning promotes ____ by encouraging students to evaluate and learn from one another’s strengths and weaknesses.”
A. autonomy
B. confusion
C. dependence
D. hierarchy
E. passivity
Answer: A
32. The use of real-world tasks in the classroom is an example of:
A. rote learning
B. task-based learning
C. deductive teaching
D. passive learning
E. abstract theory
Answer: B
33. Which of the following is the LEAST effective in fostering critical thinking skills?
A. Encouraging students to memorize answers.
B. Using open-ended questions during discussions.
C. Allowing debates on various topics.
D. Presenting case studies for analysis.
E. Asking students to justify their opinions.
Answer: A
34. Identify the incorrect statement about cooperative learning:
A. It promotes teamwork and social interaction.
B. Every group member has a clear role.
C. It discourages students from working individually.
D. It helps develop problem-solving skills.
E. It fosters accountability within the group.
Answer: C
35. Select the correct option to complete this sentence:
“In a flipped classroom model, students typically ____ learning material at home and use classroom time for discussions and activities.”
A. ignore
B. memorize
C. prepare
D. discard
E. avoid
Answer: C
36. Which option best explains the role of scaffolding in education?
A. Teaching students without providing any support.
B. Gradually removing support as students become independent.
C. Encouraging students to work solely on their own.
D. Prioritizing group work over individual tasks.
E. Providing step-by-step instructions indefinitely.
Answer: B
37. What is the primary focus of summative assessment?
A. Providing feedback during the learning process.
B. Identifying areas for improvement.
C. Evaluating overall achievement at the end of a course.
D. Promoting collaboration among students.
E. Measuring students’ potential for future success.
Answer: C
38. Which teaching strategy is most effective for enhancing vocabulary retention?
A. Encouraging students to rely solely on flashcards.
B. Integrating vocabulary into meaningful context.
C. Asking students to memorize word lists.
D. Limiting exposure to new words in one session.
E. Focusing only on dictionary definitions.
Answer: B
39. Which option best completes this sentence?
“Teachers should ____ students’ cultural backgrounds when designing inclusive lesson plans.”
A. disregard
B. criticize
C. appreciate
D. oversimplify
E. ignore
Answer: C
40. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of student-centered learning?
A. Teachers act as facilitators rather than lecturers.
B. Students play an active role in their learning.
C. Lessons are tailored to students’ interests and needs.
D. The teacher has complete control over the learning process.
E. Students engage in collaborative activities.
Answer: D
Bergabung dengan Bimbel PPPK Guru Bahasa Inggris!
✨ Siap raih sukses dan lulus seleksi PPPK? Ayo, jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk meningkatkan persiapanmu! Daftar sekarang di Bimbel PPPK Guru Bahasa Inggris kami dan nikmati:
✅ Materi lengkap dan terupdate sesuai ujian PPPK
✅ Soal-soal latihan dan pembahasan yang membantu memahami konsep
✅ Mentor berpengalaman yang siap memberikan bimbingan
✅ Akses belajar fleksibel kapan saja dan di mana saja
Jangan tunggu lagi, tingkatkan peluang lulusmu sekarang juga! Klik di sini untuk mendaftar dan bergabung! 📚🎓
👉 Gabung sekarang di Bimbel PPPK Online BLC dan persiapkan diri dengan materi lengkap untuk lulus PPPK 2024 dengan hasil terbaik! 🎯💼